Current Vice Chair steps into the shoes of Peter Mollema of the Port of Rotterdam who will continue contributing to IAPH
Following six years of pioneering energy transition achievements, WPCAP activities to integrate into IAPH
Working Group finalises a standard, fuel agnostic audit toolkit for worldwide use after consulting key industry players
New global architecture for renewable fuels transport takes a major step forward
GHG performance indicator to apply same ship data reported to IMO, also aligning vessel audit frequency to a yearly basis
Report includes case study analyses of Kenya, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Brazil and India
Scale of challenge to electrify ports using renewable energy sources superceded by regulatory hurdles and opportunity costs of capital
Study to be submitted to the Intersessional Working Group ahead of IMO’s 82nd Marine Environment Protection Committee session later this year
ESI’s modules and formulae to be extended to further support decarbonisation and emissions reductions
Talks due to finish this week ahead of important MEPC 81 meeting at the IMO
Two global associations representing ports and shipowners team up to move the maritime decarbonisation dial on land and sea
Whitepaper cites testimonials from world ports on how to use the index to facilitate vessel emissions reductions